Jacob’s internship duties have been heavy this past month. He has been writing sermons to preach at the Lansing City rescue Mission as well as preparing to teach a 6 week adult Sunday school class and 2 months of LADS (life and doctrine study, this is the midweek gathering for Providence Church). The adult Sunday school class will focus on Christian Ethics, while LADS will look at 1 John and discuss “What it means to be a Christian”. Among other internship duties Jacob is also creating a 4 month calendar for Providence and organizing volunteers for outreach events. So far this summer Providence has handed out over 1000 business cards with mints to those in the Lansing area. The business cards and mints were handed out at Lansing’s 4th of July fireworks and Common Ground (a week long concert event). These have been wonderful opportunities to share Christ.
In terms of seminary work, Jacob has been diligently working on his term paper for Christian Ethics. He is in the last few weeks of this class and has been ordering books and getting ready for his next 2 online classes at the end of August: Medieval Church History and Calvin’s Institutes.
Family Ministry
As a family we have been working in the church nursery. It is such a blessing to see the smiling faces of children and receive big hugs. We continue to have dinner and fellowship with members of Providence. Mostly we have been ministering to those individuals that God has placed directly in our paths, for example fellow workers at Hobby Lobby and young children.
Family Fun
During our vacation we had the opportunity to visit a PCA (Presbyterian church of America) called Redeemer Presbyterian. It was great to worhsip with such a large group, most of whom were college students and young families. This helped affirm our call to the ministry and choice of denomination. Overall we had a great vacation spending every mintue together.
Book of the Month
1Timothy (Reformed Expository) Philip Graham Ryken
Prayer Requests
oBe able to relax and enjoy our time together
oSmooth transition as Amy’s sister comes to live with us for a few months
oContinue to show Christ love to those around us
oOur friend Brandon who’s father has passed away
Upcoming Events
oPreaching at Lansing Mission August 26th
oJacob’s Birthday
oSummer Seminary finals and term paper
oOur First Anniversary (September 5)