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Thursday, July 7, 2011

23 Weeks!

We are almost to 6 months. Who would have thought the time would go buy so fast! I can't believe we only have a few months left before our baby girl will be here. 

Total Weight Gain: +15 lbs... wow have I really gained that much??

Maternity Clothes: :) They are wonderful

Gender: Girl!!

Movement: Lots! It is so neat feeling her move all over the place and already learning what times of day she is most active. So far she moves the most at night (9-11pm) and early morning... hopefully this will change once she is here. It is wonderful to share this with Jacob since he can feel her kicking as well and says he can see her moving in my belly.

What I miss: being able to sleep for more then 2 hrs at a time

Cravings: Nothing particular.. just trying to eat a lot of food... if i'd have to chose i'd say more sweets then usual and less chips

Symptoms: I am feeling great! Other than being tired in the middle of the day and taking a nap I feel wonderful!

Best Moment this week: Buying a memory book/photo album to record all of our daughter's firsts

Jacob's Note:
I think enjoying food has become a more frequent occasion since our baby coming. The lasagna taste better, the Oreo cake taste better, the Brots taste better, just about everything tastes better....maybe that is because I'm eating more of it all!