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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Apples and Pumpkins

Apple, pumpkins and mud; the start of fall! Today was the perfect day to go apple and pumpkin picking. Jacob and I had planned to go apple picking this fall and just realized that apple season is pretty much over in Missouri.  We packed up Alethea and headed to Eckerts farm about 45 minutes away in Illinois.  Jacob and I have been apple picking before and have also dreamed of taking our children to do the same thing. It was a dream come true to take Alethea apple picking, and she LOVED it!!  She slept the entire way there, so she was happy as could be when we finally arrived at our destination (after the detours we took).  Jacob then strapped on the ergo and off we went to pick apples.

Our first destination was Eckerts county store, boy did it smell good! There were so many home made baked goods and fresh produce. We browsed the pies, cookies, and pastries, our mouths watering as we made our way to the tractor. Alethea got to experience her first tractor ride and first trip to a farm. She wasn't too interested in the tractor on our ride out (we were stuck in the back of the wagon) to the apples, and instead ate her lunch.  Due to the hail storms, a lot of the apples were on the ground or had brown "healing" skin on them. Lukcy for us, Jacob is tall and could reach the good apples on the tops of the trees. Alethea loved holding the apples, feeling the apple tree leaves and even picked her own apple; which she held onto the entire way back. 

On the way back we sat at the very front of the wagon, right behind the tractor. They had the top seats elevated another step up so you were not riding directly behind the wheels but instead a little above them.  This time Alethea was able to see the tractor and sat watching it the entire time while holding her apple in her hand. We got back to the parking lot and decided that we would go pick pumpkins instead of visiting the goats. We got in another line and waited for a tractor to take us to the pumpkin patch! This was just as exciting for me as it was for Alethea since I have never been to a pumpkin patch to pick pumpkins. We allowed Alethea to walk around the pumpkin patch and play with the pumpkins. She LOVED it! It was super muddy so she wasn't allowed to sit in the actual pumpkin patch, but that didn't stop her from (trying)
banging on the pumpkins. After we found the perfect pumpkins, we sat Alethea on the grass (by the tractor stop) and let her play away. She has a lot of fun playing with the pumpkins and just getting to sit in the grass surrounded from nature. (this is a rare occurance for her since we live in the city)

We had such a great time outside picking apples and pumpkins! Such a great time in fact that I think we are going to go to a different farm and do a corn maze later this month.  (on a side note, corn mazes aren't big here as they were in Michigan, we only found 1 maze within 2 hours of our house)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

11 Months

Our Dear Alethea,

You are almost a year old, 11 months to be exact. So much has happened this past year and we thank God everyday that you are in our live. In just the last month you have grown up so much! You no longer have the 'baby' look about you, but look more like a toddler. You have so many great facial expressions, I could just sit and watch you smile all day. Your personality is becoming even more evident as you are learning to have more independence and experiencing new things. Whenever you want to get out attention you say "ahh", sometimes scream it, for some reason you have stopped saying the few words that you know. One of your favorite things to do is to be outside. You will go bang on the front door just because you want me to walk outside with you for a little bit. The keyboard is one of the favorite toys inside. You could sit on my lap and play the keyboard forever (if i let you).

We are still waiting  for you to take off walking, but you have taken a few steps here and there when we have encouraged you. You know how to walk around all your toys and even walk from toy to toy, but don't have the confidence yet to walk on your own. I know it will happen soon enough and once you get a hang of it, no one will be able to stop you. This past week you did so many exciting things! You can now stack your blocks! All by yourself!! You will sit on the floor with your blocks and just stack away. (although you are still working at stacking more than 2). Not only do you stack blocks, but you know how to put the rings on your ring toy! You get so excited when you are able to stack your blocks, and stack your rings.

I know that I have mentioned before that you love books, but I want to make a special note here. One of the  books that you love is one that I made filled with pictures from the first 5 months after your birth. You love to open the book and give kisses to the baby (you) and to all your relatives. It is so sweet to see how much you love to look at pictures of people that you know. You laugh every time you see a picture of Wallace. It's great to see the love you have for your dog. You are growing into such a wonderful girl! I can't wait to see what the next month has in store for us.

Here are some fun pictures!

Ut oh! Got with Daddy's Wallet!

Hey Wallace wanna eat my cheerios?

Hey mom can I see?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Another life change....

As many of you know, I have been working 4 days a week watching 2 other girls (along with Alethea). After much prayer and discussion Jacob and I have decided for me to quit that job and focus more on our family. I had been stugggling for a long time about what my purpose is and what God has called me to do. I have always felt like I was called to be a stay at home mom, and just couldn't believe that God had called me to work. We are very thankful for the time that I was working, and believe that was what God wanted me to do. Now that Jacob is back in classes full time (15 credits), and working 2 jobs, we feel it is best for me to be at home with Alethea. I am very excited about this new journey and able to be a stay and home mom.

I will be doing lots of fun things with Alethea and plan to share them weekly on this blog. We hope to start doing more structured learning as Alethea gets older. I have many ideas on what I want her to be learning at this age and how to make it fun. I am so excited to start homeschooling Alethea and begin teaching her so many new things!

A long with homeschooling, I have a long list of things that I would like to accomplish at home (rearranging, freezer meals) and in the community. My hope is to have time to make new friends and evangalize, as well as grow in my faith and church community throuhg Bible study. I am excited about this being able to do what I've always wanted to do.

If you could use help in any way please let me know!

Monday, August 13, 2012

9 And 10 months

The past month was so crazy I completely forgot to post. We were just having too much fun as a family. You are now 10 months old and have grown and done so many things!! (you were 9 months on July 14th, and won't be 10 months until August 14th, but I'm posting this a little early) Stay tuned for her 10month picture with her bear, when she is "officially" 10 months old.

Our darling Alethea,
       If I thought you were crawling last month, man how you have surprised me. You are so quick! I am amazed at how fast you can crawl around on those little legs of yours. You love to sneak out of the living room and bolt right for Wallaces' food and water bowl. Not only do you love to go after his bowls and toys but you LOVE to chase him! Some days you and Wallace will spend what seems like hours chasing each other back and forth in the hallways and playing together. Wallace is very nice to you even though you are still learning to not pull his fur too hard. I am so thankful that we have you and Wallace and that you are able to have a play mate at home.
Her favorite spot in our hotel room while in Michigan. 
     There has been so many new things these past two months! You have now taken 2 trips to Michigan (over 8hours) and have done wonderful! We left in the middle of the night so you would sleep at least one way, and then on the way home we would usually do the trip in two days. You were great with the adjustments and all the new people, but did have some trouble sleeping. Most nights you ended up in bed with mommy and daddy, which was fine with me. :) I know there are only going to be so many times that you will be little and want to cuddle and sleep with us and I am glad to soak them up!

You would never know she had a fever in this picture...
     Some new things that you are now doing; climbing stair, eating solid food, giggling, and saying "da". You are talking so much more now! You say "mama", are working on "da da" and scream A LOT! Screaming is your main form of communication and we are trying to fix that. You have been great at learning signs and love your signing videos. You understand most of the signs you have been taught, and can sign 1 so far. (all done) We are hoping that as you continue to sign more the screaming will decrease. (not all the screaming is bad, most of it is for fun)
Crawling on the bed.. an everyday occurrence
     You have a new favorite toy! You use to love these wiffle balls that you loved! You would carry them around with you all over the house and even sleep with one, but not any more. You are now into books. You of course, have your favorite books but love them all. It is so great to see you sitting on the floor flipping through the same 2 books over and over again. Right now you love the 'pop up' book where the pages flip open. I hope that we will be able to get you some more like that since you love opening and closing the flaps so much! You also have your favorite book that you sleep with, and flip through as you are falling asleep. I love that you are into books and hopes this continues and is something that we can share together; a love of books!
after eating a cold ice cube

     I can't believe that you will soon by a year old. This past year has just flown by and you have grown so much! I can't wait to see how much you will grow in the next 2 months, but am also excited to just cherish the time we have together now. We love you so much Alethea! You are a light in this world and bring so much joy to not only us (your parents) but to everyone you interact with. It is wonderful to see how God is already using your life for His glory at your young age. God uses EVERYONE for His glory and you are proof of that. We love you so much sweetie!!

Here are the few Attempts of trying to get her to sit still for her 9 month picture.. thought everyone would enjoy the candid shots

Saturday, July 14, 2012

8 months

Life has been so busy! I can't believe you are already 8 months old. (June 14th, I'm posting this late). You are getting so big and changing everyday. There is no question that you know people now and have your own thoughts and opinions. You are now crawling full force! You follow us around the house and climb all us! Not only are you crawling, but you are now able to stand for about 2 seconds by yourself. I know you will be walking before we know it. You play more and more with your toys everyday. You have started to investigate your toys. You pick them up, twist them around and just watch them move. You have also been consistently saying "mmmm". I can't wait to hear you say "ma ma".

You are eating 3 meals a day and eating them with mom and dad. Although you eat more food now, you still prefer to nurse over eating "real" food. We have finally gotten you on a nap and bed schedule! Most of the time you will go to sleep in your crib right after we nurse without any problems. Occasionally you will cry when we put you to bed but not for very long. You always cry when you wake up. Most of the time you cry for a few seconds and when I come to get you, you are standing in your crib waiting for me. One of your favorite things to do is to lay in bed with mommy and daddy. Most mornings you get to come lay in bed and play for an hour or so before we all get up.

Peek a Bo is a HUGE hit around here these days. As well as playing and petting Wallace. Now that you are crawling so good, you chase Wallace around the house. You two have so much fun chasing each other around the house. I can't wait to see how much you and Wallace will become friends in the future!  Happy 8 Months!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Mama mama mama! I have been waiting my entire life to hear that word come from my child and the day has finally come. Alethea now says "mama"!!!!

She has said "mmmm" for a long time but didn't put the syllables together until last week. On July 4th she said "mama". We were in the car driving to Michigan and while Jacob was filling up the car I hear "mama" from our little girl. I thought I heard wrong at first and made Jacob come over to listen and confirm that she was saying. "mama". She hasn't stopped saying it yet. Not only is she saying "mama but she has started calling for me. (saying mama as she looks for me then crawls and lifts her arms up to be held). Hearing those words and knowing she is referring to me is one of the best feelings in the world!!

Now to work on dada.....

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Friday June 1st. Alethea was 7 1/2 months old. The day it all began... (sorry this is late in posting)Check it out here...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day!

Happy Father's day to the best Dad!!

I always knew you would be the best dad ever! Ever since I saw how you much you love the family of 7, and loved taking care of their children. I always dreamed of what type of father you would be, and you have lived up to and exceeded those dreams. You love to be with Alethea and have done such a great job at being her daddy. I can't wait to see your relationship grow and for Alethea to become a true "daddy's girl". Enjoy these great Daddy-daughter moments!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012


One of our favorite family activities to do (when its not too hot) is to walk down to the local park. When we first moved to St. Louis, Jacob and I always talked about pushing our children on the swings at this park. We love that we are now able to live that dream!!  We try to take Alethea to the park once a week (again depending on the weather) and she LOVES IT! She loves to sing and go down the slides!  Here are some pictures from our various trips to the park.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

7 Months!

*I know that you are almost 8 months old now, but between school ending, work starting, and a trip to Michigan we have just been enjoying time together as a family!

Happy 7th Months Alethea!!
The time has come and our darling baby is 7th months old and already standing! Standing is one of your favorite things to do! As soon as you started spending time with the older girls, you are moving all over! You grab my fingers and pull yourself up to a standing positiong; you grab the storage ottoman and stand on that and you love to stand at your leap frog table and play. Not only are you standing, but you have gotten a lot better at moving around on your belly. You have not started crawling yet but are doing a great job scooting to where you want to go. (everywhere but forward). Your personality is showing more then ever now that you are moving and grooving! You are a go with the flow type of baby, but do need your mommy time to cuddle and get away from it all. My favorite time with you is bed time. I love spending so time starring at you, singing, and nursing you to sleep.  I love that we have that cuddle time together, just the 2 of us with no interruptions.  You love to grab my face while we lay next to each other and just stare into my eyes. You also love to play with me hair. Whenever you are fussy I can usually just let you play with me hair and your instantly calm down. You are growing up to be such a big girl and we love you so much!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Science Center

We finally made our first trip to the science center. Jacob had been wanting to go for a long time to see the Star Trek exhibit that was there. We decided in the fall to wait until Alethea was born so she could experience it with us. We had been waiting and waiting until she got older to go, and got lucky enough to find a Groupon for the exhibit! We were able to get buy 1 get 1 free and had a great time.

The science center is FREE so we spent some time exploring the entire place before heading to the Star Trek exhibit. The St. Louis science center is AWESOME! Anyone who has kids should defiantly go check it out for a day of FREE fun. It is a fun place for all ages, from toddlers to adults! There are lots of different areas to explore and lots of fun things to do. Anyways, back to the Star Trek Exhibit.  I am not a Star Trek fan, and was just going to the exhibit for Jacob, but I ended up enjoying it. They didn't have as much "stuff" as Jacob would have liked, but it was really neat to see different items from the movie. Needless to say, I got an entire lesson on Star Trek movies in about an hour. Crash Course to say the least.  We had a ton of fun at the exhibit. Some of the things they had were: cast scripts from the movies, actual clothing used, telecommunication devices and models of the ships. It was a great time spent as a family. We were unfortunately not able to take pictures due to copyright but have some other pictures from the science center.

The awesome "mouse trap" thing in the main entrance

These were posted all over the Science Center- this was posted especially for my sisters! 

The Star Trek Movie Film (they were showing this at night)

Tired from the long day

The Omni-Max movie reel