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Saturday, July 14, 2012

8 months

Life has been so busy! I can't believe you are already 8 months old. (June 14th, I'm posting this late). You are getting so big and changing everyday. There is no question that you know people now and have your own thoughts and opinions. You are now crawling full force! You follow us around the house and climb all us! Not only are you crawling, but you are now able to stand for about 2 seconds by yourself. I know you will be walking before we know it. You play more and more with your toys everyday. You have started to investigate your toys. You pick them up, twist them around and just watch them move. You have also been consistently saying "mmmm". I can't wait to hear you say "ma ma".

You are eating 3 meals a day and eating them with mom and dad. Although you eat more food now, you still prefer to nurse over eating "real" food. We have finally gotten you on a nap and bed schedule! Most of the time you will go to sleep in your crib right after we nurse without any problems. Occasionally you will cry when we put you to bed but not for very long. You always cry when you wake up. Most of the time you cry for a few seconds and when I come to get you, you are standing in your crib waiting for me. One of your favorite things to do is to lay in bed with mommy and daddy. Most mornings you get to come lay in bed and play for an hour or so before we all get up.

Peek a Bo is a HUGE hit around here these days. As well as playing and petting Wallace. Now that you are crawling so good, you chase Wallace around the house. You two have so much fun chasing each other around the house. I can't wait to see how much you and Wallace will become friends in the future!  Happy 8 Months!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Mama mama mama! I have been waiting my entire life to hear that word come from my child and the day has finally come. Alethea now says "mama"!!!!

She has said "mmmm" for a long time but didn't put the syllables together until last week. On July 4th she said "mama". We were in the car driving to Michigan and while Jacob was filling up the car I hear "mama" from our little girl. I thought I heard wrong at first and made Jacob come over to listen and confirm that she was saying. "mama". She hasn't stopped saying it yet. Not only is she saying "mama but she has started calling for me. (saying mama as she looks for me then crawls and lifts her arms up to be held). Hearing those words and knowing she is referring to me is one of the best feelings in the world!!

Now to work on dada.....