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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The concept of "Can't"

Often the word "can't" is used. For some this word is a comfort, it is a way to explain away a lack of desire, effort, or ambition. We squish our own chances of becoming influential by allowing this fearful word to rule life. The power given to this word makes little to no sense. "Can't" expresses a self-imposed barrier between oneself and a goal.

What exactly is "can't" or "cannot"? It is the opposite of "can", meaning that if someone said they can do something this indicates an ability to do and if someone said they can't do something then this indicates an inability to do. Physical limitations are often appealed when the word "can't" is used. "Can't" appeals to the old human practice of passing the blame to someone else, it is as though when we say "can't" the words are silently accompanied by "I can't and it is not my fault!"

I challenge anyone to think of an instance in which "can't" actually applies. When someone is actually unable to do something. Most of the time, "can't" is used improperly. "Can't" can only be used in situations when it is actually impossible to accomplish the task. Of course this is a perfect opportunity to say two things:
1. All things are possible with God
2. Unless all avenues of possible completion have been attempted, "can't"

Hundreds of thousands of examples can be thought of demonstrating individuals who refused to believe in "can't".
Two quick examples to think about:
I physically cannot fly...or can I?
Prior to the Wright Brother's innovation, flight was out of the question for humanity. To soar like the birds seemed like a wishful daydream.
Thomas Edison has been made famous due to his hundreds of failures prior to his great success.
The Wright Brother's faced physical limitations, but overcame "can't" by recognizing that "can't" really was "won't".
Thomas Edison faced continual failure, but overcame "can't" by recognizing that "can't" really was "won't".

The reality of "can't" is the reality of "won't". Most of the time we won't do something, it is not an issue of can't. We should not hide behind can't. Confront your own "won't"s and who knows what amazing thing you will be inspired to accomplish.

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