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Saturday, June 25, 2011

5 Month Appointment!

Once again I am behind on posting. I purposley did not write a post for 20 weeks because I knew we would be seeing our doctor the next week and wanted to wait and share new from our appointment. Well, after our doctors appointment my mother left town and went back home, and my sister came to town. It was such a fun weekend but was crazy busy! So here I am, over a week late with our update about "little Toman".

Everything went great at our 5 month appointment. We had the privilege of seeing our baby on the ultrasound and were able to find out if it was a boy or girl. (stay tuned and you too will know)  It was so much fun seeing our child in real life and being able to put a face to our child. From the looks of it, Jacob and I think our child will have a nose like Jacob ( it looked big on the screen) and some tendencies from me. Our child was crossing his/her ankles in our ultra sound. How cute!! Just like mom does all the time!

Now I think you all have waited long to enough to find out... that we are expecting a Girl!!! We are so thrilled that we will have a little baby girl in our house! Jacob's response when finding out we are having a girl was rather protective as he already has inherited "Anti-Boys" attitude. Don't you love him? He will be such a great daddy to our little girl and will make sure to protect from those "mean-stinky-bad-boys". 

Total Weight Gain:  +8  lbs
Maternity Clothes: I don't fit in regular pants anymore :)
Gender: Girl!! (she weighs 13 ounces)
Movement: mostly felt at night or right after I eat
What I miss: Hot Dogs!! Who isn't craving a hot dog during baseball season?
Cravings:  sometimes ice cream sometimes chips just depends on the time of day
Symptoms: some lower back pain but not much
Best Moment this week: Finding out we are having a girl and seeing her on the ultra sound

Jacob's Note:
Wallace is getting excited for our little girl! We already have set up the "baby corner" in our bedroom, and with the help of family our home is decorated and baby-prepped. Wallace has sniffed, barked at, and cuddled with nigh everything that we have gotten. Thankfully we have had help very early in this pregnancy and have been able to allow Wallace (and all of us) to get used to the new arrangement of the house. He has sniffed the baby carrier, sniffed the crib, sniffed all the baby clothes, and cuddled up with some of the babies toys already.

Meanwhile I have already tripped, fallen, kicked, run into, and bumbled into basically all of the babies things. I now realize the reason why so many baby items are built so tough, (not because the baby will play with them rough) because their big over sized clumsy daddy will no doubt make his best effort to destroy them via tripping, falling, kicking, running into, etc.

I am so glad that when I trip, make a noise, or run into the crib at night, it's before the baby is here and sleeping. Hopefully we will all get used to everything by the time Little Baby gets here

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Funny post you two! I'm so excited!!!

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