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Sunday, November 20, 2011

1 Month Old!

Alethea is 1 month old today! Tuesday November 14, 2011.  (I apologize this is late but I'm having a hard time keeping up with writing and posting on time.)

Our Dear Alethea,

I can not believe that you are already 1 month old! It seems like only yesterday we were anxiously awaiting your arrival. You have brought so much joy and love to our lives that I can not even begin to explain. It amazes me that you know your mommy and daddy. Sometimes I can't believe that you are the little child that was inside me for so long.

You are such a laid back baby girl. Although you are fussy at times when not being held, you are generally happy. You have done great with letting people other then mommy and daddy hold you. (I really hope that is something that stays) One of my favorite things is when you are upset when someone else is holding you and how you calm down immediately when I pick you up. You already know your mommy and prefer me to other people.

When you were first born you looked a lot like your daddy and now you look like a perfect mixture between the two of us. You have you daddy's ears, eyes and feet as well as his "go with the flow" personality. You did a great job switching between nursing and bottles from day one in the hospital which gives mommy a break and allows daddy to feed you. Daddy feeding you has been such a great bonding experience. You also amazed us when you were the perfect angle (not crying at a well, and taking formula) the whole time mommy was in the hospital and recovery (you were 3 weeks old). We have already been through a lot as a family this past month and you have handled it wonderfully! We are so thankful to have you as our daughter.

You are such a tiny little thing! At your 1 month doctors appointment that doctor said  that your are a tiny feisty little baby. You only weighed 6.89lbs but had grown to 21.5 inches. Mommy and Daddy are now working very hard to get more meat on your bones. We spend a lot of time feeding you and are enjoying the special time to bond while you are staring into our eyes and eating. Although you are not sleeping through the night, most of the time we get a good 3-4hours stretch of sleep. You love to be held in the middle of the night and look at mommy and daddy as you fall asleep. As tiring as it is for us to be up with you so long rocking you to sleep, I know these times won't last forever and are treasuring them.  You are eating every 2.5-3 hours during the day and every 3-4 hours at night. You are still in newborn clothes, although they are fitting you more snug and are also in newbonr diapers. You are our tiny little girl and we thank God every day that you are in our life.

We love you so much and could not imagine our lives without you. Our family feels more complete with you apart of it and I can't remember what life was like without you. We would do anything to provide and care for you. We are treasuring the time we have now when you are this little and just learning to see the world around you and are also so excited for the future! You have recently started smiling at us and we can't wait to see more smiles as you grow. We love you!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

These are great pictures, Amy! I love the one with you and her together...she looks like she totally knows what's going on! Thank you for sharing. :)

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