I know I'm WAY late on this post, but hey I was too busy playing with Alethea to write this. :)
This post was meant to be written as your 3 month old post, but now it is being written as 3 1/2 months since you will be 4 months in 2 weeks.
You are becoming such a sweet little girl. I love waking up everyday and seeing something new that you are doing. You have the most beautiful smile, with cute little dimples! Although you do smile at other people, you mostly smile at your mommy. Not only are you smiling, but you have started to giggle and talk. Your "talking" is just little sounds but you love to talk. When I come to get you out of bed you just look at me smile big and start talking. No matter how rough the night was, waking up to your smile and the joy you radiate when you see me just makes everything better. I can't wait to see what you start doing next!
One of your new found loves is to sit on the changing table without any clothes or diaper on. Sometime Mommy and Daddy will bring your changing mat to the couch and let you lay on the couch with us naked. As soon as we start walking towards the changing mat you stop crying and start smiling. It is such a joy to see your big smile and giggles when you know you are going to be "free" of your diaper. Not only do you like to be naked on the changing table, but it is your FAVORITE time to talk to mommy, daddy or nana. You will talk non-stop with anyone who will listen. Maybe this mean you will be a talker? (and an easy child to potty train)
There are so many new things that you are doing now! (so to other I apologize for the long post). You have started to cry when people other than your mommy are holding you. Sometimes, (even when daddy is holding you) you will cry when I leave the room. It is so sweet to see that you know who I am and miss me when I am gone. Right now I LOVE this! I love that you only want your mommy and that I am an instant comfort to you, but I have a feeling this will become harder as you get older.
Here is a quick (hopefully) list of all the things you are now doing:
1.scooting around on the play mat (I will put you under one toy and come back a minute later and you are either turned around or off the play mat)
2. starting to try to roll over (Right now you can get your legs and butt turned over but not quite the top half of your body. You are also really starting to enjoy your tummy time and are doing a great job building up your arm and neck muscles)
3. grasping for objects (not only are you JUST grasping for objects, but now you will hold them and put them towards your mouth to chew on. Teething maybe?)
4. a sweet personality (I love seeing your personality evolve! You are such a good baby, not fussy [except in the early evening hours], very smiling. giggling and bashful. You love to "flirt" with the older women at church by smiling then turning your head into my shoulder. You are a laid back girl and tend to go with the flow of things. Hopefully this will continue to be true.)
5. Along with that personality come whining. (your cries have started changing to "big girl cries" and you have began to whine more because you don't like a certain position or want your mommy)
You are such a big girl! At your 3 months doctor appointment you weighted 11lbs!!! We are so proud of you to be that big!! The doctor says you are growing great and have improved amazingly since your last visit. (at your 2month appointment you were 8.8) Mommy and Daddy love you so much!!!
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