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Saturday, August 7, 2010

July 2010 Newsletter

Jacob’s internship duties have been heavy this past month. He has been writing sermons to preach at the Lansing City rescue Mission as well as preparing to teach a 6 week adult Sunday school class and 2 months of LADS (life and doctrine study, this is the midweek gathering for Providence Church). The adult Sunday school class will focus on Christian Ethics, while LADS will look at 1 John and discuss “What it means to be a Christian”. Among other internship duties Jacob is also creating a 4 month calendar for Providence and organizing volunteers for outreach events. So far this summer Providence has handed out over 1000 business cards with mints to those in the Lansing area. The business cards and mints were handed out at Lansing’s 4th of July fireworks and Common Ground (a week long concert event). These have been wonderful opportunities to share Christ.   
     In terms of seminary work, Jacob has been diligently working on his term paper for Christian Ethics. He is in the last few weeks of this class and has been ordering books and getting ready for his next 2 online classes at the end of August: Medieval Church History and Calvin’s Institutes.

Family Ministry 

      As a family we have been working in the church nursery. It is such a blessing to see the smiling faces of children and receive big hugs. We continue to have dinner and fellowship with members of Providence. Mostly we have been ministering to those individuals that God has placed directly in our paths, for example fellow workers at Hobby Lobby and young children.

Family Fun

     This month we went to South Carolina where we spent time relaxing at the beach with Amy's family and enjoying the sun. This was Jacob's first time at the ocean and he enjoyed it, but would rather jump waves in Lake Michigan. Even Wallace enjoyed relaxing in the pool!
During our vacation we had the opportunity to visit a PCA (Presbyterian church of America) called Redeemer Presbyterian. It was great to worhsip with such a large group, most of whom were college students and young families. This helped affirm our call to the ministry and choice of denomination. Overall we had a great vacation spending every mintue together.

Book of the Month
1Timothy (Reformed Expository) Philip Graham Ryke


Prayer Requests  

oBe able to relax and enjoy our time together
oSmooth transition as Amy’s sister comes to live with us for a few months
oContinue to show Christ love to those around us
oOur friend Brandon who’s father has passed away

Upcoming Events

oPreaching at Lansing Mission August 26th
oJacob’s Birthday
oSummer Seminary finals and term paper
oOur First Anniversary (September 5)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Walking the Dogs

Genesis 6:5
“And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”

I love to walk the dogs. Both Wallace and Kobi are energetic, vibrant, and enjoy going on walks. One of the harder parts of walking them (especially both at the same time) is how much they pull and tug and want to get at each other. Due to their energetic natures this can make walks difficult sometimes. They tug and they pull, they yank and they run, they bark and they yelp, they are always pushing the boundaries of their leash. Even when rebuked and made to sit for a time, what is the first thing both dogs do when allowed to move again? It is exactly as you can imagine, both dogs shoot off like bolts of lightening!
I really do love walking the dogs, not just one at a time either. Despite their tugging it is a joy see their happy demeanor as they frolic about in the grass and walk along the road. The difficulty of the walk comes in maintaining control of the situation even as both of them pull to gain control. It is quite evident from the moment we step out of the doorway till the moment we arrive back at home, the dogs want to be as far out on their leash as possible, even if it requires them to pull hard enough so as to choke themselves! Regardless of my cautions and warnings, the dogs within moments are nigh out of breath for all the pull they have done. Their desire is not to be close to the person they are walking with, clearly their desire is to run free and be off of the leash entirely.
I am reminded of a lesson by my wise mentor Rev. Helopoulos concerning sinful nature:

Our sinful desire is not to be as close to Christ as we can be, even if we are Christians. Our sinful desire is to find out far away from Christ we can get without displeasing him.

Do I desire to do my saviors will? Praise God sometimes I do! In fact, I have been made a slave to Christ and set free from the slavery of sin (Gal 5:1, Mat 25:21). Praise God that he has made me his slave and he has released my from the leash of sin! I am still sinful, although it is not my chief end. I am still rebellious, although it is not my greatest cause. I am still pulling on the leash of Christ, like one of the dogs I pull, I yank, I tug and I bark. All the while my sin trying to get me as far away from Christ as possible. Praise Jesus that he is forgiving and interceding at the Right Hand of God the Father Almighty so that my tugging, my pulling, my Jonah like attempts to flee from his commands, are rebuked and forgiven.
Unfortunately much of the time when I do attempt to discern God's will, I seek to know what is acceptable within the boundaries of my leash. I want to know what God allows me to do and how close to sin I can come, rather than seek to rejoice in my savior and stay as close by his side as possible. What words can I get away with using? What television shows can I get away with watching? What internet sites can I get away with clicking on? What can I get away with? There are times when I feel as though Genesis 6:5 is an indictment against me.

To quote a hymn which often moves me to tears:

Up from the grave he arose;
with a mighty triumph o'er his foes;
he arose a victor from the dark domain,
and he lives forever, with his saints to reign.
He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!

I do certainly tug, pull, and yank hard in this life filled with joy and pain. I do often seek to know how far away from my savior I can get before getting reeled back in. Yet despite all that, I am still attached to Christ. He is King, He Reigns, and it is He who loves me enough to pull me back to himself when I have gone out too far. Sometimes I let the dogs run 10 to 15 feet out on their leashes, other days I keep them close by my side. The days they learn the most to be self controlled and in accordance with my will are the days I keep them close to myself. Praise Christ that he cares enough to use his means (His Word, His people, His bride the Church) to rebuke me, keep me close, and sanctify me by keeping me close to himself. Right now I live Justified, whilst being Sanctified, there will be a day when the leash will be gone and I will have no other desire but to be like Christ continually, in that day, I will be glorified.

Want to read more about being a slave for Christ? Read what John MacArthur has to say @: