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Thursday, June 24, 2010


Let Summer begin!!!

Who would have thought that after so many years of schooling my married life would be revolving around a school calendar. Doesn't our lives and schedules always revolve around something? Well ours revolves around the Holt school calendar, and the funny thing is we don't live in Holt or have kids! My employer works for the school district and therefore gets school holidays, including summer off. When I was asked back for next school year my first thought was "on no how are we going to survive this summer?" I became so worried about finding a job and financial how we were going to survive on Jacob's income.

At this time I began looking for employment, but not just any employment. I wanted a babysitting/nanny job that would allow me to continue my joy of watching kids. I searched and searched and wasn't able to find anything that would fit with our vacation schedule, and my one day a week job. After much thought and consideration we decided to try living on one income this summer and allow me to be a stay at home wife. Now when I say this, many people laugh and say a stay at home wife, you can't do that you can only be a stay at home mom. Well, I disagree. There is a lot to be done as a stay at home wife and this too needs to be looked at as a job. Since Jacob and I didn't have a honeymoon, this is my first opportunity to cook every night, be more efficient with a clean house, laundry and evangelizing. We are thrilled that I am able to have this great opportunity and focus on being a wife.

We would like to ask that you pray for us as we make the transition from a 2 income family, to a 1 income family (for 2 and 1/2 months) and as I learn my new roles as a stay at home wife. I am very excited but at the same time am worried about not having the motivation to complete what needs to be completed. Hopefully I will be able to blog more and keep you all updated on whats going on.

Let the summer begin!!!

1 comment:

Jeannette said...

Amy, I'm happy you have this opportunity to be home for a while. I'm sure you will make the most of it - realistic goal setting is always helpful. And yay for more time to blog! :)

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