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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

4 Months

My Dear Alethea

I am always late in writing a letter to you on the exact day you turn so many months old. I have just been too busy playing with you! :)

Today you are 4 months 15 days old. Everyday I look at you and am so thankful that God gave us you. You went for your 4 month doctors appointment and did great! It was a little harder for me to see you in pain with your shots, but I know it is for the best. You weigh 11lbs 13 oz. You are a tall petite little girl and we wouldn't change a thing about you!

Nana came with us to the doctors since daddy was working and you had such a fun time smiling at her and giggling. I expected you to be very cranky after you shots but you were great! You fussed a little bit whenever we touched or moved your leg but other then that you were wonderful. I never would have known that you had shots by your attitude.

Your are starting to have very strong opinions about who holds you and how you are being held. You will go to daddy fine most of the time, but have started crying when nana or anyone else will hold you if you can't see me. I love that you know who I am and want to see me all the time!

You have been coming to Bible study with me the past 3 weeks and everyone there loves you. It is so nice to see the ministry you are already doing at your young age. You sit in my lap and look around at everyone in our group, and usually voice your own opinion on the topic. (everyone LOVES hearing you talk)

You are now rolling over, from your back to stomach. The first day you did this was Thursday Feburary 23 2012. You haven't completly rolled over again, but you are always on your side and even sleep that way. Not only do you roll over, but you LOVE your exersaucer. You reach the the toys and are starting to move yourself around and jump. Your little squeal while you are jumping is so cute! The first time we heard you, daddy jumped up thinking something was wrong, only to see that you were smiling away. Everyday you are getting better at grasping toys and bringing them to your mouth.

Another favorite activity of yours is to go outside. The weather has been WONDERFUL here and we have been able to go outside at least 5 days a week for a while. You love being in your Moby wrap and looking around at everything outside. When you are fussy, one of the quickest ways to calm you down is to walk outside for a minute. I wonder if you are going to be an outside or inside girl.

I know this post is so long, but there is so much I want to remember about this time in your life. Your are doing wonderful sleeping through the night and will be starting cereal soon. We are still trying to get in a nap routine but you will usually take 3 naps a day for 45min-2hrs. You are such a big girl and growing up so fast! I can't believe by next month, you could be sitting up, eating food and moving all over the place. Your daddy and I love you so much!!! Happy 4 months our dear Alethea!!!

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