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Friday, April 20, 2012

6 months

Alethea is 6 months old! It doesn't seem like it has been 6 months since our little sweetie was born.

Dear Alethea,

    Your are getting so big! I can hardly carry you in your car seat anymore. You are looking more and more like your daddy everyday. You have his eyes, light colored hair and wonderful expressions. You are such an expressive baby! I have learned to know exactly what you want based on your facial expressions, and raising of your eyebrows. Your new tired sign is when you start rubbing your eyes and your right ear. If I am holding you then you start to bury your face into my arm. No one other then mommy has been able to really get you to sleep, but as soon as I sit down to rock you and start singing you fall fast asleep. I love being able to sing and rock you to sleep and love that you know my voice. Your beautiful eyes look up at me as we rock and sing and your head slowly slides down into my arm and your eyes close. Singing you to sleep for naps and bedtimes are one of my favorite parts of our day together. It is a time that we get to spend together, just us, with no interruptions or worries. You are starting to settle into a bedtime routine and going to sleep earlier without waking up. Right now you go to bed around 730-8 and wake up twice to nurse (before 11pm) and then will only wake up once in the earlier morning (around 4am) to nurse again. You are such a happy baby when you wake up in the morning. You are getting such a great nights sleep that I wake up to my beautiful Alethea talking in her crib and looking at my eyes. There isn't a better way to wake up.

You are becomming more attached to your mommy everyday. You are constantly follwoing me around (with your eyes) and are always aware of where I am. You still let strangers hold you, but will be watching me to make sure that it is ok. Although, there are times where you will start crying if I leave the room or you can't see me anymore. I love it! I love that you know who your mommy is and that you want me. It is your way of showing me how much you love and need me. It's Wonderful! Pretty soon your will be crawling and moving all over the place. I love you and can't wait to see what the future holds for you.

Wallace wanted a picture with her bear too

1 comment:

Diane S said...

I saw a license plate today with Alethia written on it. Made me think of you and smile, of course, even if it was misspelled. Or should I say alternatively spelled.

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