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Friday, May 13, 2011

16 weeks... 4 months!!

Our baby is THIS Big Today!!

How Far Along: 4 Months!!!
Total Weight Gain:  + 3 lbs
Maternity Clothes:  :) Those pants are soo comfortable!
Gender: will know in a month!
Movement: none yet
What I miss: Sandwiches!!
Cravings:  Food! Any and all types!
Symptoms: back aches and trouble sleeping
Best Moment this week: Being 4 months along is super exciting!!! We have 1 month left until we find out our babies sex, which is also very exciting!

Jacobs Note: 
Believe it or not-I'm excited to change diapers, be awake at 2 in the morning, and go for walks with our baby. We have been semi-prepared for all those things with Wallace....well.....not diapers, but definitely poop.

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