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Thursday, May 19, 2011

4 Month Dr. Apt!

We just wanted to write a quick update to let everyone know that everything is going GREAT with the baby! We are so thankful God found us the doctor that He did. As many of you know Amy is prone to worrying and although this is something she has been working on, it is very hard NOT to worry when stuff is unknown. And there are plenty of unknowns that come with pregnancy. Worrying has been something that She has done throughout this entire pregnancy. "Do I need to lay on my side", and "is it ok to be lifting babies", and  "my toe fell asleep is that ok?" have all been questions these first four months.  With all this worrying, she hardly ever brings anything up to our doctor because lets just face it, we know everything is in God's hands and that "I really am OK".  Well today Amy asked the doctor about her back pain and was told "yep its normal" but that we should  "buy a maternity belt to help since you lift kids all day". And then my wonderful doctor goes on to pretty much disintegrate the myths we have heard about pregnancy and told us to not listen to all the different opinions I am receiving and just listen to what she tells us to do.  She doesn't just say this but laughs it off and is constantly making jokes. Her smile, cheerfulness, and helpful attitude have really been a blessing from the Lord! We are soooo thankful that we found a doctor that has done nothing to scare us or cause unneeded worry. The words "Your not disabled, your pregnant" are often spoken by our doctor and it is very reassuring. This has helped us (but Amy in particular) to not worry and has allowed Amy to fully enjoy her pregnancy.

When we came home, our little puppy "Wawa" (affectionately named by a little one we know) greeted us with great enthusiasm. Jacob went up to Amy and began making the noise of what the baby's heartbeat sounded like through the ultrasound machine.
"Wone wone wone wone wone" went Jacob.
Of course Wallace (Wawa) took this as an invitation to play and quickly jumped all over both of us! How funny that our puppy is already interacting with the sounds our little baby is making, even if those sounds are poorly recreated through a rumbling, bumbling, daddy.

 Hooray for little Toman!

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